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*New* Promises Bible Series

*New* Promises Bible Series

We have started working on a new series called Promises. This series goes through the major stories of the bible and puts them in short eight page stories with illustrations. We are still using our Dyslexic-Smart formula, which uses a font specifically for Dyslexic Readers. 

However, these stories are not just for dyslexic readers. Everyone will enjoy them. They provide a way to read the important stories of the bible in an interesting quick way. So, they are great for bed time or bible studies for young children. These books are a great way to get kids acquainted with the great heroes of the bible and their importance on our Christian heritage.

Currently, we have three books available, which are: Creation, The Fall, and Noah and the Flood. In the very near future a book about Abraham and a book about Joseph will be published. We plan to continue publishing these great stories in this format until we have worked our way through the great heroes of the bible.

Please, continue checking into our bookstore, for updates.

November 03, 2023

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